This is director Joshua Sheik's preferred method for promoting his films.
This is my 1st project but I have had the other 5 cast members signed a few months ago and they are all waiting for the right lead to take this pilot off the ground.
I know with a big lead, I can make this a million dollar success with the right promotion, this will lead to a distribution deal with a big name and I do like taking chances but it's my dream to work in the media and hope you'll all be honoured to listen to what I have in mind.
I will have this short film to air all over film festivals in America and then I have the best pitcher in the world who will go and promote this to the networks, they don't read scripts these days so a pilot presentation is perfect for them to view.
I am offering $6250 for a 4 day shoot in Spring Break 2015 so hope you'll read the script and see if your client likes it.
Project Story/Logline:
Female 12-17
Required Skills - Languages: Dutch, French, French Canadian, German, Spanish; Performance Skills: Baton Twirling, Dubbing, Improvisation; Sports: Horse Back Riding, Horseback Riding (English), Horseback Riding (Side Saddle), Horseback Riding (Western), In-Line Skating, Trampoline
The Power of Dreams centers on 18 year old Alegra Cruise, she is a Catholic girl from Decatur, Alabama who has an extraordinary dream the night before she starts at North Alabama University and she is lucky enough to pass for about 13/14 so gets mistaken for a high schooler all the time.
She is now graduated high school and is heading to NAU to spend her next 4 years and gain BTEC's and Degrees.
Alegra’s intelligence is already well known throughout the university and everyone is awaiting her arrival including 3 senior representatives who all want her to be their responsibility for the opening month.
Alegra announced that she questioned Stephen Hawking about science’s lies but he sent her bac